Tuesday, October 26

RAS+DEV= Spam and cheese sandwich?

So I decided to write up a new list. Let me know what you think. (2000 pt Blood Angels)

Libby- Blood Lance, unleash rage

Sanguinary Priest (2)
- 2x power weapon
RAS- (1 sang priest and libby join this squad)
8 men
- Power weapon
- Infernus pistol
- Rhino
- M. Gun

RAS- (1 sang priest joins this squad)
9 men
- Power weapon
- Infernus pistol
- Rhino
- M. Gun

5 men
- Power weapon
- Razorback with Las Plas

5 men
- Power Weapon
- Razorback with Las Plas

5 men
- Power Weapon
- Razorback with Las Plas

Baal Predator
- Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Baal Predator
- Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Dev Squad
3x missle
1x Las cannon (For the BS 5)

Dev Squad
3x Missle
1x Las cannon

Dev Squad
3x missle
1x lascannon

2 x Attack bikes
- Multi Melta

2000 points.

The list is pretty straight forward, some thoughts I have had are:
- Take out 2 lascannons in the dev squads for Meltas in the small RAS squads.
- Take out power weapons on the Priests to put meltas in the small RAS squads

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