Well, It is Monday and that can only mean one thing: You're back to work and wish you weren't. Well, I can't help with the overbearing boss or the secretary who keeps making fun of your shirts, but I can help with the Monday Boredom (Maybe)... It's list of the week time!
Source: Feast of Blades Open GT
This list comes to us from the Feast of Blades Open GT. Now remember, the Open GT is still a competitive tournament, but it is more of a casual 'laid back,' atmosphere. In the Open GT most of the "Super Hardcore," players are not there so players will bring lists that have more of a theme or are extremely well painted but not the best army lists. The guys want to win but they have a different attitude about it, and sometimes their lists show it.
The List
Now that we have set that premise lets move on to the list.
Total Roster Cost: 1999
Mega-armoured Warboss (1#, 130 pts)
-1 Mega-armoured Warboss, 130 pts =
-(base cost 60 + Mega Armour 40 + Attack Squig 15 + Bosspole 5 + Cybork Body 10)
Warboss (1#, 100 pts)
- 1 Warboss, 100 pts
- (base cost 60 + Cybork Body 10 + Power Klaw 25 + Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon 5)
Lootas (12#, 180 pts)
- 12 Lootas, 180 pts = 12 * 15Nobz (10#, 380 pts)
1 Nobz, 0 pts
1 Painboy, 60 pts = (base cost 50 + Bosspole 5 + Cybork Body 5)
1 Nobz, 40 pts = (base cost 20 + 'Eavy Armour 5 + Cybork Body 5 + Big Choppa 5 + Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon 5)
1 Nobz, 60 pts = (base cost 20 + 'Eavy Armour 5 + Cybork Body 5 + Power Klaw 25 + Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon 5)
1 Nobz, 40 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5 + Waaagh! Banner 15)
1 Nobz, 55 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5 + Power Klaw 25 + Shoota/Rokkit Kombi-weapon 5)
1 Nobz, 25 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5)
1 Nobz, 25 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5)
1 Nobz, 25 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5)
1 Nobz, 25 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5)
1 Nobz, 25 pts = (base cost 20 + Cybork Body 5)
Meganobz (5#, 215 pts)
- 4 Meganobz, 170 pts = 4 * 40 (base cost 40) + Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon x2 10
- 1 Trukk, 45 pts = (base cost 35 + Boarding Plank 5 + Reinforced Ram 5)
Boyz (30#, 250 pts)
- 29 Boyz, 204 pts = 29 * 6 (base cost 6) + Rokkit Launcha x3 30
- 1 Boyz Nob, 46 pts = (base cost 16 + Bosspole 5 + Power Klaw 25)
'Ard Boyz (12#, 200 pts)
- 10 'Ard Boyz, 100 pts = 10 * 10
- 1 'Ard Boyz Nob, 50 pts = (base cost 20 + Bosspole 5 + Power Klaw 25)
- 1 Trukk, 50 pts = (base cost 35 + Boarding Plank 5 + Reinforced Ram 5 + Rokkit Launcha 5)
Gretchin (11#, 40 pts)
- 10 Gretchin, 30 pts = 10 * 3
- 1 Runtherd, 10 pts
Fast Attack:
Warbikers (9#, 265 pts)
- 8 Warbikers, 200 pts = 8 * 25
- 1 Biker Nob, 65 pts = (base cost 35 + Bosspole 5 + Power Klaw 25)
Heavy Support:
Big Gunz (9#, 69 pts)
- 3 Big Gunz, 69 pts = 3 * 20 (base cost 20) + Ammo Runt x3 9
Battlewagon (1#, 170 pts)
- base cost 90 + Reinforced Ram 5 + Killkannon 60 + Big Shoota x3 15
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