Tuesday, May 31

HOBBY: Blinged out Land Raider.

Just a short post today.  I wanted to show off what  I was working on all last week and this weekend...  My Grey Knights-Blinged-out-LandRaider.

As you can see, I used both Semi-Custom Grey Stuff moulds and Forgeworld doors.  The overall effect is one gilded machine!

They Grey Stuff:
 - Hate me or love me, but this is how I did that.  Scibor makes some wonderful resin pieces that are great for big things like building and large vehicles.  My only problem was that his pieces didn't necessarily fit into the places that I wanted them to go on the Raider.  Only one piece actually fit where I wanted it to go.   The only reason that fit so well is because it was designed to go there!

Anyhow, that required me to cut down the resin and reshape it... If you have ever worked with resin you know that is almost impossible to do without breaking it.  His resin is also pretty thick, and this only adds to the issues presented when having to custom fit it.

As such I decided to make a mould (here comes the hate!)  of the pieces to make them able to be custom fit to where I wanted them on the raider... once the mold is made I use Grey stuff to make it.  When it was semi-hardened I went to work with my razor, cutting the pieces down to size.  When I was done it looked like this:

  I put a base coat on it last night, and it should be ready for "paint pictures," in the next day or two.  I hope you all really like it, or failing that just flame me for making a mould (Which Im sure will happen anyways...thanks internet, lol)


P.S. - Forgive the blurry pics, I wasn't planning on making a blog post with it until a buddy said I "had to."


  1. Love it mate, the Scibor stuff really works, might have to steal that idea =p

  2. No prob... If you want I can post a short tutorial on how to make pieces like this pretty easily.


  3. Did you use the clear mold stuff found on "Cool mini or not"?

    Thats the only thing I can think of that would let you use grey stuff, as its a somewhat hard mold so I have been told.


    PS, I realy need to make a log in...Im soooo lazy.
