A low angle shot, Army in ranks behind.
So I went to a tournament this past weekend. It was just a local community affair, nothing terribly big or fancy. But I always feel that when you are breaking back in, you need to start somewhere, and Adepticon is probably not a wise choice. Thus, there I was at castle games in Colorado Springs, to pit my Imperial Guard against nine others, and compete for smallish prizes for 1st overall, best competitor, and Best Presentation. Here is what I brought:
- Creed (Major Howard)
- Grenade Launchers x4
- Astropath
1st Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
- 4 Melta Guns
1st Squad
- Grenade Launcher
- Autocannon
- Commissar
- Bolt pistol
- Power weapon
2nd Squad
- Grenade Launcher
- Auto-cannon
Platoon Command Squad
- 4 Melta Guns
1st Squad
- Grenade Launcher
- Autocannon
- Commissar
- Bolt pistol
- Power weapon
2nd Squad
- Grenade Launcher
- Auto-cannon
3rd Squad
- Grenade Launcher
- Grenade Launcher
- Autocannon
4th Squad
-Grenade Launcher
- Commissar
+Bolt Pistol
+Power weapon
2nd Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
-4 melta guns
1st Squad
+bolt pistol
+power weapon
2nd Squad
- Autocannon
Heavy Weapon Squad
+3 Lascannons
Heavy Weapons Squad
+3 Lascannons
Heavy Weapoins Squad
+3 Lascannons
3rd Infantry Platoon
Platoon Caommand Squad
- Al-rahem
- 3 Plasma Guns
-1 Melta Gun
1st Squad
+power weapon
+bolt pistol
+power weapon
2nd Squad
+power weapon
3rd Squad
+power weapon
+bolt pistol
+power weapon
4th Squad
+power weapon
Special Weapons Squad
+3 Plasma Guns
Special weapon Squad
+3Plasma Guns
Heavy Weapon Squad
+3 Lascannons
Heavy Weapons Squad
+3 Lascannons
Heavy Weapoins Squad
+3 Lascannons
3rd Infantry Platoon
Platoon Caommand Squad
- Al-rahem
- 3 Plasma Guns
-1 Melta Gun
1st Squad
+power weapon
+bolt pistol
+power weapon
2nd Squad
+power weapon
3rd Squad
+power weapon
+bolt pistol
+power weapon
4th Squad
+power weapon
Special Weapons Squad
+3 Plasma Guns
Special weapon Squad
+3Plasma Guns
The rest of the field was....interesting
1 Imperial Guard Renegades (using FAQs and Codecies not seen in some time)
1 Grey Knights
1 Horde Orks
1 Necrons
1 Chaos Space Marines
3 Space Wolves
1 Blood Angels
While I DID bring a camera (and a nice one at that) I forgot the SD card. So regrettably, I must call upon you all to use your imaginations while I go into the brief battle reports. However, I DO have some pictures of a few figurines of mine that were taken a couple of weeks before the tournament.
Game 1: Vs Blood Angels
Deployment: Spearhead
Mission: Three objectives, fixed placement. 1 in table center, 1 in center of each unclaimed table quarter. At end of each game turn, score one point for objective you control
Minor Win: Score 2 more points than your opponant
Special Rules: Standard USR, plus at least half of your units must begin the game in reserve. units may walk onto you board edge in your deployment zone on turn one.
Enemy Forces:
- Librarian Dread
- Death Company dreads x3
- dread with CCW and Plasma Cannon
- Furioso Dread
- 2 tactical squads with flamer and missle launcher
- Librarian
- 10 death comapany with chaplain
This was an odd game in almost every respect. The mission was a bit peculiar, and even more so was the enemy army. No jump packs or drop pods anywhere. As you can imagine, after being forced to reserve half his army, the March of the Dreadnoughts across the table did not go well for him. Only one of his dreads had a gun, and that one died first. I had set up such that my opponent could not hide from the guns if he wanted to accomplish anything. With only two troop choices to hold objectives, I won a Major Victory here, with ease. One of only three major victories that would happen within the tournament.
Game 2: Vs Chaos Space Marines
Deployment: Modified Table Quarters. Lots of rules that said we had diagonal deployment with a fairly narrow no-mans land in between. Deployment was done by alternating choices, as per 4th edition rules. roll for 1st turn after deployment is done.
Mission: Killpoints. Seek out and destroy as many enemy units as possible
Minor Win: Score more points than your opponent
Special Rules: Standard USRs (Random Game Length, Infiltrate, scout, outlfank, and deep strike)
Enemy Forces:
- Greater Demon- Demon Prince (wings)
- Large Berzerker squad in rhino
- Kharn and 5 possessed in Land Raider
- 2 small lesser demon squads
- 1 small chosen squad
- 2 small Plague Marines squads in rhinos
- Vindicator
This game was set up and my opponent went first. He just revved up the engines on his vehicles and zoomed as far forward as he could with smoke everywhere. I decided to gamble here and staked all my good weaponry to front to try and get some quick vehicle kills. It, um......didn't go quite as planned. He made every single cover save he was called on to make.
So, the epic failure of my command squads and heavy weapons to make any impression on the incoming horde resulted in a very nasty turn two for me. I lost Creed and his squad, and both of the command squads to platoons one and two. However, my investment in commissars was about to pay off. Big time. Because my squads were both large and stubborn, I did not flee from any of the myriad combats that occurred for the rest of the game. Nearly all of the killpoints either player scored this game were from attrition based Close Combats (though I should thank Khaarn for helping with one of them) The final tally in this game was his 8 KP to my 6.
It was a minor loss for me, but one that was filled with many glorious moments for the unlikely heroes of the Imperial Guard. We defeated both the Demon Prince and the greater demon in close combat. We slew the lesser demons with bayonet and pistol. A Rhino was death or gloried by a lascannon, causing an unussual number of caualties to the Plague marines within it.. The cost of all the commissars I took in this list is right around 280 with equipment. That 280ish points REALLY saved the day, and helped squeak out a respectable showing after a hugely disastrous opening gambit.
So, the epic failure of my command squads and heavy weapons to make any impression on the incoming horde resulted in a very nasty turn two for me. I lost Creed and his squad, and both of the command squads to platoons one and two. However, my investment in commissars was about to pay off. Big time. Because my squads were both large and stubborn, I did not flee from any of the myriad combats that occurred for the rest of the game. Nearly all of the killpoints either player scored this game were from attrition based Close Combats (though I should thank Khaarn for helping with one of them) The final tally in this game was his 8 KP to my 6.
It was a minor loss for me, but one that was filled with many glorious moments for the unlikely heroes of the Imperial Guard. We defeated both the Demon Prince and the greater demon in close combat. We slew the lesser demons with bayonet and pistol. A Rhino was death or gloried by a lascannon, causing an unussual number of caualties to the Plague marines within it.. The cost of all the commissars I took in this list is right around 280 with equipment. That 280ish points REALLY saved the day, and helped squeak out a respectable showing after a hugely disastrous opening gambit.
Game 3: Vs Ghazgull's ork horde
This was probably the most difficult to win scenario I've seen in a LONG time. the mission was drawn up as follows:
This was probably the most difficult to win scenario I've seen in a LONG time. the mission was drawn up as follows:
Deployment: Pitch Battle
Mission: Modified Take and Hold: To win you must get friendly units into your opponents deployment zone, while preventing him from entering yours.
Minor Win condition: If you have more units in your enemies deployment zone than he has in yours, you score a minor win
Major Win: If you have ANY units in your opponents DZ, and he has NONE in yours, you score a Major Victory.
Special Rules: Night Fight (roll for dawn as you would reserves)
Mission: Modified Take and Hold: To win you must get friendly units into your opponents deployment zone, while preventing him from entering yours.
Minor Win condition: If you have more units in your enemies deployment zone than he has in yours, you score a minor win
Major Win: If you have ANY units in your opponents DZ, and he has NONE in yours, you score a Major Victory.
Special Rules: Night Fight (roll for dawn as you would reserves)
Enemy Forces:
- 10 Nobs and Warboss in Battle Wagon,
- 10 Nobs and Ghazghull in Battle Wagon
- 3 Mobs of 25 boyz with Nob
This game was played on a table that didn't have much to block line of sight, but the Night Fight ended up lasting through turn 4. Both of us had set up a killing field overlooking the open ground on the left side of the table, so very little happened on that side, as no one was too keen to get shot to pieces for no gain. So we shift our attention to the right flank. On that flank he had the dominating force: the two nob squads in battle wagons, and one the boyz mobs.
As I watched him set up, I noted from his list that the nobs all had Docs, cybork bodies, different kits...the works. In order to get a major victory, I would have to kill all of these things, plus the supporting mob of 25 boyz, with a small portion of my army. The Battle Wagons set up on the extreme right side and rolled up together. My good fortune took care of those vehicles in short order, but the damage had already been done, and his next turn saw the calling of the Waagh and the destruction of most of the forces I had deployed to that side. My Al-Rahem platoon turned out to be right on the money here, and every unit I had outflank arrived on the right side. Cleansing flame and lasgun, followed by brutal assault, caused much havoc to the nobs with warboss, but Ghazgulls mob seemed all but invincible. After using third platoon to clear out the Warboss squad, and Creeds grenade launcher team to simply murder the big boyz squad (they killed 19 orks in two rounds. the remaining 6 fled.), with time running out, I decided to run for the minor win. Because he made his squad Slow and Purposeful, getting away from Ghazghulls mob was pretty easy. I got 3 units in his zone to 2 units in mine. A minor Win for me.
Final Result: As I mentioned before, the missions were pretty hard to get a decisive win in. I got 1 of the three major victories that day, and scored well on my soft scores to finish second overall, with the chaos marines that beat me in the second round winning the overall category. While I did not succeed in accomlishing all of the missions provided, I always felt as though I had manpower to spare for secondary efforts. So when I get to tournaments with more complicated missions and scoring structures, I feel confident that the tuned version of this army will handle it just fine. I was awarded "Best Presentation" for my efforts to make the army I had brought as fleshed out as I could. (the army represents a WWII British Airlanding company. For more information, google "Pegasus Bridge" and "The Merville Artillery Battery) When I built the army, I had built it to take advantage of mental pressure. At this tournament, I found that no one was uptight enough about the game or the admittedly small prizes being awarded, for that aspect of my game to have much of an effect. In fact, it generally had the opposite effect, and I got a LOT of compliments on the army as a whole.At 'em, boys!
So in conclusion: The army has some very strong points to it. I proved that even when grossly outclassed, the army can take an enormous beating, and still pull together something that looks like a cohesive plan. I proved that certain characters are instrumental to the success of this army, while others are less so (Al-rahem is a staple. Creed...is less so) I know now what I can do to tune the army a little, and what mistakes I made that can be corrected for a better result next time. Because I have proven to myself that this is an army I feel I can control well, I intend to take this list to the next level. Later this year will be participating in the Second Annual Feast of Blades, and I will travel back to my home store to compete for the right to represent them this year. Be on notice Colorado, "Die Rote Teufeln" are landing soon!
Id love some feedback on these battle reports, did the foot guard surprise you?
Dragoon 6
Id love some feedback on these battle reports, did the foot guard surprise you?
Dragoon 6
First, nice report.
ReplyDeleteSecond, DC Dreads are 1 per 5 DC models in a army. I belive you said he had 3 per 10 infantry. If that is the case Im glad you took it to him.
I like the fact that you used Al-rahem, he is a great tool for Guard. More so when you have an Astro. Did the reroll help in the Ork game or was it a natural right side outflank?
Also, I dont think I would change much with this list as it is foot themed. The stubborn foot blobs are hard to deal with and I think if you had destroyed the Chaos transports on turn 1 that game would have been money.
As the mission was KP's could you have deployed further out and got 2 rounds of shooting?
Or use the Astro to bring units on the board faster. Using reserve as a distance factor.
The Astropaths rule lends itself to the thinking that he can be off the board and still benifet, like the Eldar Autarch.
No matter what you are on the right path for the way you want to play.
Good show old chap!
Second overall and best presentation...not bad for you first time out of the gate in a while! Especially with what some would call a "sub-par," list
@ swags
ReplyDeleteI may have misremembered exactly which kinds of dreads he had and how many. With six or seven or the things, it's Hard to remember!
The list is good. I plan to experiment with a few idea in coming weeks, but the core idea here is REALLY solid. And yes, Astropaths do work while in reserves.
In game three, I did use some re-rolly goodness to make sure everything showed up on the right. afterall, that what it was there for.
In game 2, my plan was to try and get trades in the first couple of turns. Kill a few vehicles, split the enemy army, and pick off isolated units with volume fire, sacrificing the command squads that had popped the vehicles initially. If that worked, all other things being equal, I could have coasted to a minor win. Because I had a canny opponent who knew what to target for quick and easy kills, I'm not too sure I could have pulled off a major against this guy. As a general rule, I think I am going to be weaker in KP missions, but at the same time, those types of missions are in general disfavor with the community. I don't expect to see very many of them.
I'm glad you approve of my performance!
Yea, I forgot to say congrats on your win.
ReplyDeleteGreat for your first time out after the break.
Keep up the good work.