Thursday, July 28
Financial analysis of GW
Ok folks, time to get a little corporate now. Usually I stray away from talking GW corporate stuff, but with their recent Year End Financial Statements just coming out I can't help myself. While reading it there was some really interesting stuff out there, lets jump right in and see what goodness Tom Kirby and his associates have given us this year.
GW corporate
Monday, July 25
Thursday, July 21
XBOX: Kill team review
This last week I downloaded "Kill Team," which is a precursor to the eventual release of "Space Marine," by THQ. I wanted to give a short review and tell you all what I thought/felt about the game.
video games
Monday, July 18
Wargames Con: Reflections of a Fluffy Army in a Competitive Environment
So, Wargames Con has come and gone and with it my short lived desire to play ‘fluffy’ armies in tournaments. Granted, I still feel that I can never fully let go of what an army stands for, after all I did decide to play my Blood Angels for the fact that I love what they are and what they stand for. That being said, I also enjoy the fact that they are competitive, if played in a preticular way (IE, Razorspam). Lets examine the hard lessons I learned in 10 games over 3 days…
For The Love Of Tau part 1

So often we work our little paint brushes to the nub, forcing the love to pour out of us, creating a wonderful world of amazing minis. We put tons of time and effort in developing stories to justify our colors and conversions. And just as we reach the apex of brilliance...we realize things have changed. The world has moved on with out us as we slaved away attempting to achieve greatness. |
Friday, July 15
The Old Guard Perspective vol. 4
The Old Guard Perspective Vol 4. Tuning
Everyone who has any serious intention to do well in a tournament, spends time (sometimes a LOT of time) taking a list they are comfortable with and making it as nasty as they can. People have all sorts of names for this process, but for myself I will borrow a word from the collectibles gamers and call it "Tuning". So how exactly does tuning differ in the old and new schools of Imperial Guard thought?
Lets take a moment to recall the main differences between old and new guard thinking:
Thursday, July 14
A public apology: Whats wrong with the internet.
For those of you who don't know, on my last post I called another player a few names that weren't really true. I wanted to talk today about things that are wrong about the way I approached things.
Tuesday, July 12
Back from WargamesCON
Well, it was two really long road trips and nights where I didn't go to bed until 1 am only to wake up at 6:30 to start gaming. But if I had the chance I would do it all over again!
battle report,
Wednesday, July 6
40K Change Up, Elimination Edition
(Insert cheers here.)
This is a combo post to start off a small series of articles about tournaments, gaming and doing things differently. I am going to put out some ideas as we go through this and you can shoot them down if you like, jump on the band wagon or just ignore them entirely.
Monday, July 4
Independence day
235 years years ago our fathers set forth to achieve something which was before nothing more than an inconceivable notion. That spark of an idea was freedom.
Saturday, July 2
Dukes WargamesCon Army (GK)
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