Thursday, April 12

Adepticon Prep

So, as it turns out, I will be going to Adepticon this year.  I was asked a few weeks ago to play on a Colorado-bsed team with a few guys I know.  The team is using a Custodes theme so how could I say no? here is a rough list of what I need to do to get ready.

- Paint busts of the emperor on 2 Grav-razorbacks
- Assemble the Engine exhausts and paint them (one razorback)
- Paint window/ light details on one razorback
- WRITE A 1000 point list (a week to go and I still don't have an official list, lol)

I also have a few personal things to do before I am all set and ready to go... Namely, I need to find a room! lol.

I am super excited to be heading to Mecca Adepticon.  Then I can take all their good ideas for Feast ;)

Seriously though, if you are there and you're a reader of this blog stop by and say 'hi.'  I will be hanging out at the SPIKEY BITS booth representing IMPERIAL ATTIRE!!! (more to come on that later).

Who is going to Adepticon out there?!



  1. Looking forward to having you out! The last minute prep is always a nightmare...

  2. Yea, good luck and have fun at Adepticon. I hope to go next year and do some of the non-mainstream stuff...

    I am getting ready for an event in 3 weeks myself, so cracking the whip and about to post an update for the Space Wolves.

    1. I want to see your wolves Styx. Working on an update for the Iron Wolves right now..the list has changed a bit since I started and I need to recap what I'm doing.

    2. I should be posting them on Army of the Week tonight maybe, at least to where I am....

  3. The suck is that my models are "done," but I'm not satisfied with it... I just don't know if I have enough time to get it to a level I'm comfortable with. We'll see!


    1. If you're ever 'satisfied' with them then you're not trying hard enough..the best i ever get is 'ok..I guess they're presentable but I should have added/done this...'

    2. Quinn is right, pretty much if they are table worthy that is enough. Personally, I am my own worst critic and often people tell me my stuff is better than I give credit for. I call my stuff table worthy, won only a few painting awards, but I am no golden demon winner either.

  4. Great news, man! Look forward to seeing you there.


    Back to painting...

    1. Lol, I read this while I was painting. We totally need to get together while there
